The SNFCC is the first public-private partnership of its kind in Greece, and the largest cultural/educational project ever undertaken in the country. As one of the biggest projects in recent Greek history, the Center is an engine of short- and mid-term economic stimulus. It is a testament and commitment to the country’s future.
The SNFCC is one of the world’s most sustainable building complexes of its size. In November 2016, the SNFCC achieved the highest and most stringent international standard for sustainable design and construction – the Platinum LEED – for its innovative architecture and green technology. The platinum LEED certification is awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
For more details about the SNFCC and its design, construction, operation and upcoming events, please visit the SNFCC website at: www.SNFCC.org.
How to get here
By Shuttle Bus
For convenient access to and from the SNFCC, transportation by shuttle bus is available daily to visitors, free of charge. Find the timetable and the route here
By Car
Find the route to SNFCC here
You can find information regarding parking here
By Bus or Trolley
- 130: Piraeus – Nea Smyrni (Tzitzifies Stop from Piraeus; Delta Stop to Piraeus)
- 217: Piraeus – Dafni Station (Tzitzifies Stop from Piraeus; Delta Stop to Piraeus)
- 550: Kifissia – Palaio Faliro (Evgenideio Stop, Syggrou Avenue northbound, Onassio Stop southbound)
- 860: Palaio Faliro – Schisto (Tzitzifies Stop from Piraeus; Delta Stop to Piraeus)
- A1: Piraeus – Voula (Tzitzifies Stop from Piraeus; Delta Stop to Piraeus)
- B1: Piraeus – Ano Glyfada (Tzitzifies Stop from Piraeus; Delta Stop to Piraeus)
- B2: Academia – Agios Kosmas (Evgenideio Stop, Syggrou Avenue northbound, Onasseio Stop southbound)
- 10 (Trolley): Line 10 from Chalandri Square to the Epaminonda stop. Walk towards Peisistratou and Sahtouri street and you will find the entrance of the SNFCC through its parking.
By Tram
From the “Τzitzifies” stop, walk towards the Navarhou Votsi street and then turn right at Peististratou street. At Peisistratou and Sahtouri street you will find the entrance of the SNFCC through its parking.
By Bike
Bicycle parking spaces are available at the entrance of the parking of the SNFCC (Peisistratou and Sahtouri Street) as well as the Visitors Center (Eyrypidou and Doiranis). The parking of bicycles in these areas is under the responsibility of the owner / holder for any damages arising (theft, damage, etc.).
On Foot
The following entrances are open for entering the SNFCC:
- Evripidou & Doiranis (entrance for the SNFCC Visitors Center)
- Evripidou & Irakleous
- Evripidou & Dimosthenous (entrance for the Running Track)
- Peisitratou & Sachtouri (entrance for the Parking of the SNFCC)
- Esplanade Pedestrian Bridge